5 Seasons (2015)
In 5 Seasons Katie Vickers and Benjamin Pohlig in collaboration with composer Gašper Piano continue their previous work around the theme of pop culture in order to investigate the boundar- ies between the concert and the theatre.
The focus lies with how its two communities come together to participate in their respective forms of performance. The concert is the embodiment of the various elements of pop culture, such as sound, image and community. 5 Seasons investigates the purpose of this collective experience while taking the (theatre) audience on a journey through the musical genres of rock, pop and dance music. Each musical style represents a ritualistic moment in everyday life, a place to escape into, disappear and resurrect back into reality.
The performance creates its own worlds filled with transfixed dances, raw energies, ornate lights and contagious beats. Drifting in and out of concert and theatre, 5 Seasons invites the audience to acknowledge these spaces in different ways.
Concept and choreography: Katie Vickers and Benjamin Pohlig
Performance: Katie Vickers, Benjamin Pohlig, Gasper Piano
Music: Gasper Piano
Co-Production: DeSingel, wpZimmer, TAKT Dommelhof, Schloss Bröllin e.V. Gefördert durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN) Koproduktionsförderung Tanz aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestags
January 20th Leipzig, DE
December 17th Cologne, DE
April 13th Antwerp, BE
December 9th Berlin, DE