I bring over 10 years of experience as a choreographer, dancer and educator to my yoga practice. Yoga came into my life during high school solely for training purposes. I quickly understood what a gift it was in my life - a mindfulness rooted in learning and unlearning. I received my 200 hour training from Three Queens Yoga in Philadelphia (2019/2020).

My classes focus on alignment based Hatha yoga (tantric tradition). At the heart of the Tantras is an understanding that we are all connected to the same fabric of life. Through yoga and together, we ground ourselves in reality connecting to the present moment to practice attuned listening and care for ourselves, and ultimately for one another. Class is centered around accessibility and inclusivity, uprooting any toxic systems and giving space for support and self-inquiry.

I offer private lessons in person or virtual. Sliding scale is offered for private lessons.

“We are connected in a great loom of experience, we do not have to live our lives as if we are separate or isolated from the experience of the greater reality in which we participate.” - Nora Issacs

Reach out for information and to book in private sessions